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Jag har några tabbar öppna:
En artikel/recension av en bok med texter av Alexander Grothendieck (se tidigare inlägg). Som vanligt mer poesi än fakta.
"TogetherNet is an open-source software that invites groups of 10 or fewer participants to build community archives through practices of consent."
Pepys dagbok, som börjar om för tredje gången.
"A review of the book Becoming Geological, edited by programmer, writer, performer, artist and explorer Martin Howse."
"I Spent 3 Years Alone Building A Log Cabin" (YouTube).
Ivan Illich: "Computers are doing to communication what fences did to pastures and cars did to streets." Silence is a Commons (PDF).
Bernur om Lust och fägring stor.
Jenny Odell: “THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS A FREE WATCH: Special Investigative Report for the Museum of Capitalism” (PDF).
2022 års bästa album, listade av skribenter hos AllMusic.
Robin Rendle: "An Internet of Zines".
Richard Polt, "Heidegger’s Typewriter" (PDF).
"How Stuart Hall's identities framework can help understand the rise of Discord and Telegram"
Sara Hendren: "a classroom is for readiness" (har låtit vara öppen länge).
"Doldisen som kläckte Darwins geniala idé", om Alfred Russel Wallace, 200 år snart.
Nature: "Escaping Darwin’s shadow: how Alfred Russel Wallace inspires Indigenous researchers".
Också Nature: "‘Disruptive’ science has declined — and no one knows why", om den här artikeln: "Papers and patents are becoming less disruptive over time".
"The Rubenstein Library’s disruptive copy of A Curious Herbal".
Phil Gyford om sitt 2022:
Also I felt an urge to retreat a bit from the physical world to the internet. A conscious decision to spend more time on the computer and online, which is not the kind of thing Medium-writers, or opinion columnists, or New Year resolution writers encourage, but still. I think it’s part of not being 100% happy here, and wanting to be where my people are. If I can’t hang around friends and other interesting people in nearby streets and coffee shops, then I’ll spend more time hanging around them online. That encouraged me to try making something new.
The Verge: "Bring back personal blogging".
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