Män debatterar
Det är lite typiskt manlig tuppfäktning i den här diskussionen mellan Googles Eric Schmidt och riskkapitalisten Peter Thiel, men den är ändå rätt intressant. I synnerhet den här passagen, där Thiel försöker förklara varför USA är mitt uppe i en innovationsstagnation:
I'm Libertarian, I think it's because the government has outlawed technology. We're not allowed to develop new drugs with the FDA charging $1.3 billion per new drug. You're not allowed to fly supersonic jets, because they're too noisy. You're not allowed to build nuclear power plants, say nothing of fusion, or thorium, or any of these other new technologies that might really work.
So, I think we've basically outlawed everything having to do with the world of stuff, and the only thing you're allowed to do is in the world of bits. And that's why we've had a lot of progress in computers and finance. Those were the two areas where there was enormous innovation in the last 40 years. It looks like finance is in the process of getting outlawed. So, the only thing left at this point will be computers and if you're a computer that's good. And that's the perspective Google takes, because it thinks of the world of the future ‑‑
Det är tillspetsat så klart, men tanken att reglering och byråkrati har fått immateriella produkter (à la Google, Facebook och Twitter, eller egentligen hela internet-branschen) att blomstra är tankeväckande.
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