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Erik Stattin


Jag läser för tillfället George Dysons Turing's Cathedral, en makalös bok så här långt, om den digitala tidsålderns tidiga historia. The Guardian recenserade den lyriskt häromdagen. Den sista delen av boken är tydligen en "speculative, even visionary account of the philosophy of programming".

Uppbyggnaden av boken hyllas också:

If this is a cathedral, it doesn't have anything as geometrical as a nave. It's a mass of separate structures joined by spiders' webs of coloured string. But it isn't a failure. It isn't one thing at all. It's three successes: three separate and different and differently impressive books Dyson might have written, all bizarrely shredded and mixed into a heap whose sorting is left as an exercise for the reader.If this is a cathedral, it doesn't have anything as geometrical as a nave. It's a mass of separate structures joined by spiders' webs of coloured string. But it isn't a failure. It isn't one thing at all. It's three successes: three separate and different and differently impressive books Dyson might have written, all bizarrely shredded and mixed into a heap whose sorting is left as an exercise for the reader.