Personlig informatik

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Dom kallar det för "personlig informatik", en del av de där grejerna jag har nämnt här (t.ex. Trixie Tracker, Dopplr, PatientsLikeMe och Bedpost, kanske också Christopher Doyle; Daytum, Mycrocosm och är andra tjänster, och Nicholas Feltons personliga årsredovisning är ett annat exempel). Wall Street Journal skriver om allt det här:

The objective for Mr. Felton and others is to seize data back from the statisticians and the scientists and incorporate it into our daily lives. Everyone creates data -- every smile, conversation and car ride is a potential datapoint. These quotidan aggregators believe that the compilation of our daily activities can reveal the secret patterns that govern the way we live. For students of personal informatics, the practice is liberating because it shows that our lives aren't random, and are more orderly than some might expect.
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