Inbox 2.0 = spam från dina vänner

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Citerar mig själv:

Jag föreställer mig att man i typ Gmails kontaktbok kan definiera vem ens kontakter är och vilken relationer man har till dem, för att sedan välja att exponera denna information för andra tredjepartstjänster man använder.
Citerar New York Times om Inbox 2.0:

[Google and Yahoo] hope to turn their e-mail systems and personalized home page services (iGoogle and MyYahoo) into social networks.

Web-based e-mail systems already contain much of what Facebook calls the social graph -- the connections between people. That's why the social networks offer to import the e-mail address books of new users to jump-start their list of friends. Yahoo and Google realize that they have this information and can use it to build their own services that connect people to their contacts.

I don't have a lot of detail from Google, but I've heard from several executives that this is their plan.
Jag = genius.



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