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Erik Stattin

🔗 Veckans lĂ€nkar

En gÄng i veckan, oftast fredagar, postar jag lÀnkar till sÄnt som fÄngat min uppmÀrksamhet under veckan.

Ändrar frĂ„n att försöka göra det hĂ€r dagligen till att göra det veckovis istĂ€llet.

  1. What "Late Capitalism is Eating Itself” Means For Your Life and Career

  2. Weekly Readings #154 (01/13/25-01/19/25)

  3. Diary: (1) Andrew Hui on the Birth of the Private Library

  4. Diary: (2) Andrew Hui on the Birth of the Private Library

  5. The Housemistress in New Kingdom Egypt: Hatnefer | Essay | The Metropolitan Museum of Art | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History

  6. The Making of Community Notes—Asterisk

  7. Rather than OpenAI, let's Open AI - 3 Quarks Daily

  8. The New Governors: The People, Rules, and Processes Governing Online Speech

  9. On First Looking into Brand’s Whole Earth Catalog

  10. Neuromorphic computing at scale | Nature

  11. The Nomadic Confessions of Ela Minus

  12. Finding Infinity in SML’s Cyborg Jazz

  13. [2501.12786] Preserving Culinary Traditions. A Crowdsourced Digital Collection of Cookbooks

  14. Chimes at Midnight—Asterisk

  15. Rare anti-Nazi resistance pamphlets at the Library - The Wiener Holocaust Library