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Erik Stattin


Richard Wolin sammanfattar sin bok Heidegger in Ruins hos Los Angeles Review of Books, med fokus på det skandalartade sätt på vilket Martin Heideggers dödsbo, och andra inblandade i utgivningen av hans Nachlass, uppenbart har försökt dölja filosofens djuprotade antisemitism och uppskattning av den nazistiska regimen.

The editorial manipulation of Heidegger’s texts was intended to deflect critical attention from the fraught nexus between the “History of Being” (Seinsgeschichte) and the “Politics of Being” (Seinspolitik) in his oeuvre. As a result, the public has for decades been presented with a misleading, politically sanitized image of Heidegger’s Denken, a bowdlerized version in which traces of his profascist political allegiances have been extensively airbrushed.

Richard Wolin, "To Sanitize the Master’s Corpus: On the Heidegger Hoax", Los Angeles Review of Boooks, 18 juni 2023

De sedan en tid uppdagade passagerna i manuskript och anteckningsböcker gör att Heideggers verk naturligtvis måste läsa i ljuset av dem, men Wolin konstaterar också att det sannolikt är omöjligt att "korrigera", eller ge ut igen, alla utgåvor i översättning (däribland svenska):

As far as the numerous foreign-language editions of Heidegger’s works are concerned, from a publishing standpoint, it is essentially too late—too cumbersome and too expensive—to implement the requisite corrections and emendations. Consequently, for the foreseeable future, generations of students encountering Heidegger’s work for the first time will be exposed to editorially doctored, politically cleansed versions of his thought. These significantly flawed editions have, meretriciously, become the de facto standard editions.

Richard Wolin, "To Sanitize the Master’s Corpus: On the Heidegger Hoax", Los Angeles Review of Boooks, 18 juni 2023