Jag läser en artikel om och med livs- och karriärcoachen Megan Hellerer, som tydligen var den som hjälpte Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez att hitta sin väg. Och ja, det förekommer astrologi i artikeln. Men, men…! Det var nånting i det här avsnittet som resonerade i mig:
Hellerer counseled her [AOC] in the virtues of “directional versus destinational thinking,” which she explains with corny but helpful metaphors: On a road trip, instead of picking a place to end up, pick merely east or west. Instead of hitting goals, think of “warmer or colder” steps. Warmer, for Ocasio-Cortez, was going to community-board meetings. Then it was volunteering for the 2016 Bernie Sanders campaign and taking time off work to go to Flint, Michigan, and then Standing Rock Indian Reservation, and after that getting the call from the PAC Brand New Congress, which would ask her to run for the NY-14 congressional seat.