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Erik Stattin


Om man ska lita på filmkritikern Amanda Shuberts analys av den kommande Anna Karenina-filmen (vilket man nog ska), så är den ett regissörsmässigt haveri men innehållandes storslaget skådespeleri av Keira Knightley som Anna:

As Anna, a woman as impulsive as she is consummately elegant,she shows five different expressions flash across her face before she chooses the words she is going to say. Knightley thrives in these roles where the cerebral and the erotic are at cross-purposes, where intellect and wit meet sexual surrender, because she’s an actress whose own intelligence and intuition spar on screen. Her performance in Anna Karenina is so powerful that it commands around her the movie that isn’t there.

Om jag anstränger mig kommer jag ha hunnit läsa klart boken den innan den går upp på bio.