En fin webbdokumentär om operahuset i Sydney, och en minst lika fin sajt om koreografen och konstnären Rosemary Butcher.
Om du inte känner till scientometri så kan du läsa en kort intervju i The Economist med Samuel Arbesman, författare till boken The Half-Life och Facts, som beskriver det så här:
Put simply, scientometrics is the science of science. It grew out of bibliometrics, the science of books and research papers. In bibliometrics the unit of measurement is a research paper, which are easy to study because you can quantify different aspects of it: who the authors are, who has co-authored papers with those authors, how often a paper is cited, by whom, and so on. [...]
But bibliometrics is only one subfield of scientometrics. There are all kinds of ways that you can quantify science: you can measure the number of discoveries that are occurring within a particular field, the number of elements in the periodic table, etc. Broadly, scientometrics is about quantifying and understanding how science occurs.
Kuriosakabinettet som metafor för webben är inte helt ny, men ändå värd att utforska, såsom Benjamin Breen gör i The Appendix:
I do think there's something to be gained from paying attention to aesthetic forebears that lie outside the austere traditions of minimalism and modernism. Perhaps the pendulum is swinging back to a Baroque celebration of diversity of forms, asymmetry, eclecticism and a more poetic sensibility that injects a degree of intuition and randomness into the realms of machine intelligence and digital communication.
Dan Hon skriver i Domus om balkaniseringen av hälsodata.
Buster Benson resonerar kring Robin Sloans bok och codex vitae, och jag upptäcker att han har GitHub-sida om det han tror på.
Du har säkert redan läst den redan, men jag tar med den ändå: "Subcompact Publishing", av Craig Mod.
"Trap streets" är hittepå-gator och-orter i, oftast, digitala kartor som gör dem unika och kan användas för att hitta kartpirater. James Bridle skriver om det i Cabinet Magazine.
Man tänker inte på det så ofta, men hela vårt moderna liv är beroende av ett omfattande, länkat nätverk av reglerad atmosfär eller en distribuerad artificiell vinter. Men Nicola Twilley har kartlagt den globala nedfrysningen, också i Cabinet Magazine:
Welcome to the coldscape: the unobtrusive architecture of man’s unending struggle against time, distance, and entropy itself.
Illustratören Maira Kalman har nämnts här tidigare. Här pratar hon:
Adrian Holovaty om sin Soundslice:
Beyond face value, Soundslice is a way of annotating sound. At the moment, it only works on YouTube videos, and the marketing copy focuses on guitar tabs. But really, it's a general-purpose audio/video annotator. [...] I decided to focus on guitar tabs because it was much more easily understood -- but I hope people use it for much more than that, inventing uses I never would have thought of.
En fin liten film om formgivarna på Industrial Facility [via: co.DESIGN]: