Misstag har gjorts

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Jag fick ett mail:

You are receiving this email because you had signed up at [xxx] some time over the past 9 years.

While at its peak [xxx] was sending over 50,000 visitors a day to the blogs listed in its directory, severe mismanagement has led to the site decaying and becoming a shell of its former glory.

...och så läste jag ett tankvärt blogginlägg:

I feel sorry for blogging. How could something so great just wither on the vine? There are vast prairies of abandoned blogs now. Without any specific decision, there's been a mass migration to social networks, like tribesmen picking up and moving to cities overnight. It's certainly not the worst decision in internet history but maybe it's fair to say that it wasn't given much consideration at the time. [...] Progress isn't deliberated upon, it's magnetic. But once drawn in, you might find yourself living (in a shotgun shack) on a cheaply manufactured high-carb, high-fructose diet of realtime information. You've traded still pools of honest expression for rivers of pageviews and machine-generated timelines. It's not unreasonable to wonder whether we all made a little mistake with that.


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Jag heter Erik Stattin och det här är min blogg. Jag skriver om digital kultur, ungefär. Du får gärna tipsa mig om saker. Kontakta mig på erik.stattin@gmail.com. Jag är mymarkupTwitter och Pinboard.

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