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Peter Campbell i London Review of Books (via: Maud Newton) om tidig sumerisk mobil-kultur:

Held in the hand, a typical cuneiform tablet is about the same weight and shape as an early mobile phone. Hold it as though you were going to text someone and you hold it the way the scribe did; a proverb had it that 'a good scribe follows the mouth.' Motions of the stylus made the tiny triangular indentations of cuneiform characters in the clay. The actions would have been much quicker and more precise, but otherwise rather like the pecks you make at a phone keypad.

Apropå det har assyrologer vid University of Chicago nu avslutat arbetet med att sammanställa Chicago Assyrian Dictionary, efter att forskare i över 90 år jobbat med det:

Started in 1921, the dictionary was created over the years by about 85 employees writing on millions of index cards in up to five large offices at the school's Oriental Institute at University Avenue and 58th Street.


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