Äpplen mitt ibland oss

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Alexandra Lange hos Design Observer ställer den intressanta frågan om varför Apple inte vill vara en del av samhället, t.ex. genom att lägga sitt nya campus (med rum för 12 000 Apple-arbetare i sitt planerade rymdskepp) mitt i en stad, utan istället väljer det rätt gammalmodiga sättet och skapa en egen värld.

Wouldn't it have been more radical for Apple to double down on an actual town? [...] 

A recent New Yorker profile of John Lasseter and Pixar, once owned by Jobs, emphasized the importance for their corporate culture of chance encounters. But in these corporate motherships, and on these corporate campuses, those chance encounters are only employee to employee. What about chance encounters with the rest of the world? Apple's employees are already in a number of existing Cupertino buildings, and Jobs indicated the room for 12,000 in the ring would not be enough. A) This sounds like they are about to willfully create second-class citizens outside the ring and B) couldn't strategic architectural insertions, renovations, reuses be made in Cupertino or some other town so that Apple employess might still dwell among us?


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