Personlig akademisk information, med ett inslag av spelifiering

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Att introducera element av personlig informatik i det akdemiska arbetet är något som jag funderat över tidigare. Om man dessutom lägger till en spelifieringskomponent så kan man få något som liknar det Chad Boeninger spekulerar kring:

Privacy questions aside, I wonder how we might use something like this in libraries. What if we tracked usage of our resources better down to the patron level? We could then send patrons a notification each month that said something like this:

You used Academic Search Complete for 10 hours this month, and you used JSTOR for 7 hours. You downloaded 37 articles and complete 157 searches. This qualifies you to win a free coffee from the café. The average library usage time for a freshman at Ohio University is 21 hours, and the average G.P.A for those searching who used the library 28+ hours a week was 3.2 during the last quarter. Next month, the café will give free smoothies to those who spend more than 25 hours online. The total estimated value of the information you retrieved was $2,176.00. Your total ResearchScore is 3718. Keep up the good work!


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