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Jag läser vad Tom Armitage skriver om vakna och sovande prylar, och blir jäkligt sugen på en Kindle:

If Mujicomp is all about devices we're comfortable inviting into our homes, shouldn't we be inviting in devices that will be comfortable in those environments? Not awkward, seeking attention through flashing lights or occasional, violent bursts into life, but well-appointed, content devices. Devices that are as happy "asleep" as "awake", that don't crave attention with bright screens, but earn it through modest usefulness, and good companionship. House-trained products.

The Kindle, much like a paperback book, is just as happy "asleep" as it is in use. It's a reminder that the design of genuinely ubiquitous devices and products is not just about what they are like in use; it is also about what they are like when they are just present.


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