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Jag såg Fanny & Alexander igår (den låååånga versionen, över 5 timmar), så det här inlägget hos medicinska fotografen Øystein Horgmo, om ett tillfälle när han fick i uppgift att fotografera en patients sista tid i livet, påminner om scenen när Alexander sitter vid Oscars dödsbädd:  

Lost for words, I tried to focus on the task, but it's hard to think about light and shadow when what you see through the lens is a young wife kissing her unconscious husband, a mother running her fingers through her son's hair for the last time. They wanted a photo of the boy hugging his father, but he didn't want to. As they stopped trying and moved away from the bed, he suddenly reached over and hugged him. "Daddy, ouch, ouch," he said. The boy will not remember his father, but he will have a photo of that hug. Perhaps it can be helpful later in life.

Uppdatering: Thomas hos Biomedicine on Display kommenterar bilden på sjuksängen i det länkade inlägget ovan, om hur tekniken alltmer tar fokus i samtida bilder.


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