Kreativa artnamn: Ittibittium

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Robert Krulwich (mannen bakom radioprogrammet Radiolab), som har en fin vetenskapsblogg hos amerikanska NPR, refererar författaren Chris Impeys favoritartnamn (ur boken How It Ends: From You to the Universe):

He found a beetle named Agra vation and another one called Agra phobia. (These are their real scientific names.)

There is a pine tree called Pinus rigidus.

There is a mollusk named Abra cadabra.

He found an extinct rat-kangaroo called Wakiewakie.

There is a spider genus called Orsonwelles...(named, of course for the actor/director) and this little lady you see here is called Orsonwelles falstaffius commemorating a movie Welles made called "Falstaff."

But here's my favorite. It comes from a genus of snails called Bittium.There is a type of Bittium snail that tends to be smaller than the others. We don't have a photo, but I can imagine it well enough and it is called...ah, this is so wonderful.... Ittibittium.


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