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Om nu någon person, en nytillsatt minister till exempel, behöver lite moraliskt och ideologiskt stöd för att starta en massiv digitaliseringskampanj för grundandet av ett Nationellt Digitalt Bibliotek, så kan han och/eller hon finns rätt bra stöd hos Robert Darnton, som skriver om ett bibliotek utan väggar hos New York Review of Books:

I propose that we dismiss the notion that a National Digital Library of America is far-fetched, and that we concentrate on the general goal of providing the American people with the kind of library they deserve, the kind that meets the needs of the twenty-first century. We can equip the smallest junior college in Alabama and the remotest high school in North Dakota with the greatest library the world has ever known. We can open that library to the rest of the world, exercising a kind of "soft power" that will increase respect for the United States worldwide. By creating a National Digital Library, we can make our fellow citizens active members of an international Republic of Letters, and we can strengthen the bonds of citizenship at home.


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