Aby Warburgs system

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Warburg-institutets bibliotek är hotat kunde man nyligen läsa hos New York Review of Books. Det vid University of London baserade biblioteket, som består av historikern Aby Warburgs samling verkar vara ett synnerligen intressant bibliotek (350 000 volymer) , som består av verk som spårar antikens inflytande på europeisk civilisation. Samlingen räddades undan nazisterna och kom till England där det fram tills nu hyst forskare och intresserade av ämnet. 

Det mest fascinerande verkar vara organisationsprincipen, som Aby Warburg själv satte ihop, som man i artikeln beskriver så här:

The library is designed not simply to make information rapidly accessible--as a search engine might--but to shape and channel scholarly investigations. Any sustained trip into the Warburg stacks will bring the reader not only to the books he or she is looking for, but also to their unexpected "good neighbours." Magic and science, religion and philosophy, Christianity and Judaism appear in close proximity--and challenge the reader both to trace webs of unexpected connections and to find the points of radical disjunction. Look for the history of astronomy and you will find primary and secondary sources, learned treatises and popular almanacs--texts, tables, and images that range in origin from the ancient Near East to the present--and the vast literature of astronomy's unruly sister discipline, astrology, as well. On the shelves of the institute, the reader experiences the coincidence of opposites.

Här är en bild som representerar klassifikationsschemat:



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