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Checkin-kulturen är förbryllande. Jag skulle vilja se lite deltagande etnografi gjort bland badge-jagarna, de som lever location based (som om vi alla inte gjorde det). 

Från en intervju med en indisk power user hos

dhempe - Finally, which is your most favorite badge right now and which is the badge you are looking forward to earn?

manuscrypts - I like my Zoetrope badge (10 movie theater check-ins) - pretty cool one, I thought! To earn - 'Player Please' (checking-in with 3 members of the opposite sex) would be fun... and unattainable ;-) so it has to be Jetsetter (5th airport check-in) :-)

Merlin Mann ironiserar över badge-hysterin och det bisarra med att finna glädje vid att tala om för andra att man står nära andra saker:

It almost makes me question the value of bothering to report what I'm standing near at all. It really does.

I'm sorry. I didn't really mean that; that would be anti-social. And, I know that.

But, whether receiving kudos via event-based scripts and slightly-altered phone graphics or otherwise, I owe it to the people I've never met who sometimes stand near places where I've stood near to know that I have also stood near there sometimes too. Sometimes more or less often, and on serendipitous occasions, the same number of times that they stood near there. But, yes: I did sometimes stand near where they stood near. And, yes, they and computers should know that.


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