Jag har börjat läsa China Miévilles The City and The City. En snabb notis om en form av café som finns i fantasistaden Bes´zel:
A common form of establishment, for much of Bes´zel's history, had been the DöplirCaffé: one Muslim and one Jewish coffeehouse, rented side by side, each with its own counter and kitchen, halal and kosher, sharing a single name, sign, and sprawl of tables, the dividing wall removed. Mixed groups would come, greet the two proprietors, sit together, separating on communitarian lines only long enough to order their permitted food from the relevant side, or ostentatiously from either and both in the case of freethinkers. Whether the DöplirCaffée was one establishment or two depended on who was asking: to a property tax collector, it was always one.
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Jag heter Erik Stattin och det här är min blogg. Jag skriver om digital kultur, ungefär. Du får gärna tipsa mig om saker. Kontakta mig på erik.stattin@gmail.com. Jag är mymarkup på Twitter och Delicious.