Jag noterade att bambu var ett inslag i gatuprotesterna i Bangkok, med vilket man byggde vassa barrikader förstärkta med gummidäck. Mitt i finansdistriktet. Natur möter betong. Perenner möter taggtråd.
På taket till Museum of Modern Art i New York har man just börjat bygga installationen Bambú: You Can't, You Don't, and You Won't Stop:
På taket till Museum of Modern Art i New York har man just börjat bygga installationen Bambú: You Can't, You Don't, and You Won't Stop:
Big Bambú is a growing and changing sculpture―a vast network of 5,000 interlocking 30- and 40-foot-long fresh-cut bamboo poles, lashed together with 50 miles of nylon rope. It will continue to be constructed throughout the duration of the exhibition. The first phase of the structure―measuring about 100 feet long, 50 feet wide, and 30 feet high―will be completed by opening day, April 27. Subsequently, the artists and rock climbers will build up the eastern portion of the sculpture to an elevation of 50 feet. By summer, the western portion of the sculpture will be about 40 feet high. An internal footpath artery system will grow along with the structure, facilitating its progress.
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