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Jag följer noggrant vad Newspaper Club pysslar med, och väntar på att de ska öppna upp för resten av världen, så att jag kan trycka min egen tidning. BBC skriver om upplägget:

Large commercial printing presses - for daily newspapers such as The Sun or the Daily Telegraph - are not used for most of the day while the newspaper is put together.

Mr Davies and his colleagues negotiated a small print run for their paper - called Things Our Friends Have Written On The Internet - and, surprised by the cost, realised others might want to do something similar.

"We've been web people all our lives, and then we accidentally found out through a friend how cheap it was to print," he says.

Uppdatering: 4iP skriver lite om hur Newspaper Club har jobbat:

Next, and this is one of the finest qualities of Newspaper Club, they took their time. They certainly didn't set a go live date and work towards that. They had an idea for a online service but they didn't start building. Instead they talked to lots of the potential customers that had expressed an interest about their idea. Throughout this process the product evolved in subtle but important ways. Only once they were sure they product hypothesis stacked up did they start building.

Next they launched their private beta. The beta wasn't about testing the user need but about execution. Lots of clever people have wonderful ideas for star-ups but an idea is never enough. You need execute brilliantly and arguably this is harder. Step forward VP Eng. Tom Taylor. I won't tell you how reassured I felt when over coffee a few weeks into the beta he told me he'd chucked away all the code and started over. Anyone privy to the private beta can testify that the difference between the product then and now is enormous. The team weren't afraid to say we're wrong and start again.


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