Noter till ljud

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  • Reason samlar lite om samtida sociala kontrollmekanismer, med fokus på Storbritannien, och den senaste trenden - "Weaponizing Mozart":

    In January it was revealed that West Park School, in Derby in the midlands of England, was "subjecting" (its words) badly behaved children to Mozart and others. In "special detentions," the children are forced to endure two hours of classical music both as a relaxant (the headmaster claims it calms them down) and as a deterrent against future bad behavior (apparently the number of disruptive pupils has fallen by 60 per cent since the detentions were introduced.)
  • SvD om ett nytt T-banebibliotek som öppnar i Bredäng idag:

    Riktade ljudduschar ska garantera tystnad för övriga besökare.
  • Serial Consign om Toronto Sound Ecology:

  • The site allows our small team of explorers to upload short (5-20 min) soundwalks and then enter the following information:

    • trace their route with a polyline
    • note the time their walk started and finished
    • note the recording device used
    • note the weather and temperature
    • tag their walk to identify some of the key sounds that occur
    • make basic comments about the walk


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