"You could print a steam engine out"

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Det är alltid underhållande att lyssna på Bruce Sterling, här en keynote från häromdagen på transmediale-konferensen i Berlin. Om tidlöshet och "framtiden nu". 


If you think that the future should offer personal space flight, perhaps you're an enthusiast for that. Why don't you just dress up as an astronaut? Just invent the whole thing, just go out and carry it on to the streets. Just invent the Jeff Bezos Blue Origin spacecraft, make yourself spacecraft suitcases, spacecraft astrounat gear. I mean, yes, you'll look ridiculous, but WHY WHAT STANDARD?! By what standard can you be held to be ridiculous. Why not just go ahead and make yourself a personal public testimony for a future that doesn't exist? Why not just carry it out, with a kind of gandhian dedication, and see what happens. 


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