Grothendiecks invändning
En fascinerande historia om vad som hände när driftiga matematiker ville ta Alexandre Grothendiecks svåråtkomliga och banbrytande verk Seminaire de Geometrie Algebrique till nätet genom lite good ol' crowdsourcing:
Enter Bas Edixhoven, a Dutch mathematics professor who conceived the rather marvelous idea of organizing teams of volunteers to re-type all of SGA using modern typesetting software, correcting typos and inserting references to more recent literature where appropriate. Edixhoven secured the blessings of all of Grothendieck's collaborators, but was unable to contact the great man himself, who has spent most of the past two decades in complete seclusion in an unknown location.Men när det ensliga, och 82-åriga, geniet fick nys om tilltaget hörde han av sig och vädjade till organisatörernas "skamkänsla" att inte publicera hans verk (läs brevet). Steve Landsburg skriver om varför:
But in the many years since Grothendieck retired from mathematics and withdrew from society, he has periodically (though not for several years now) released long, eccentric and beautiful manuscripts containing thousands of pages of mathematics, autobigraphy, philosophy and theology, and these give some clues. (...)Fasinerande, alltihopa.
The thrust of his objection--and I am a little hesitant to summarize the subtleties of his position in a single phrase, but here goes--is that everyone's picking the fruit and nobody's tending the garden. Nobody, that is, is doing the sort of deep foundational work that marked Grothendieck's own career. That ongoing disappointment, presumably, has something to do with the letter that arrived last month.
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