The Denise Rudberg-Richard Stallman Connection
The Setup är en intervjuserie med webb/techfolk om hur de jobbar: den senaste med Richard Stallman, som kör en infokommunikationsdiet à la Denise Rudberg:
I spend most of my time using Emacs. I run it on a text console, so that I don't have to worry about accidentally touching the mouse-pad and moving the pointer, which would be a nuisance. I read and send mail with Emacs (mail is what I do most of the time).
I switch to the X console when I need to do something graphical, such as look at an image or a PDF file.
Most of the time I do not have an Internet connection. Once or twice or maybe three times a day I connect and transfer mail in and out. Before sending mail, I always review and revise the outgoing messages. That gives me a chance to catch mistakes and faux pas.
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