Antibubblans beteende

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Man brukar prata om bubblan. Senast gjorde Fredrik Wass det i en artikel om den s.k. "Jaiku-bubblan", nu saligt sprucken till förmån för floder av retweets. 

Men vad händer om man droppar en antibubbla i en malström? Filmen ovan visar det på ett pedagogiskt vis. Abstractet till den tillhörande artikeln låter som en poetisk deckare:

A negative bubble, coined antibubble, is composed by a thin air shell that is immersed in a soapy mixture. A large vortex is generated in the liquid using a mixer. An antibubble is then created close to the surface. The antibubble is fastly attracted by the vortex. It rotates arount the core and comes closer and closer. When the stress is large enough, the vortex deforms the antibubble that winds around the eye vortex. The antibubble looks like a spiral. Under some conditions, the antibubble splits into several antibubbles that are ejected out of the eye vortex while the largest part is still trapped the vortex. This latter is elongated and is absorbed to the bottom of the tank before popping.
(via: arXiv blog)


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