LOL Science

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NCBI ROFL är en nyligen upptäckt guldruva, där man varje dag får sig ett garv på andras bekostnad. Man hittar lustiga artiklar i PubMed. Nu senast en studie från 2004 i Journal of Sex Research (av forskare vid Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Urban Ethology i Wien), med titeln "Disco clothing, female sexual motivation, and relationship status: is she dressed to impress?":

The relationship between a female's clothing choice, sexual motivation, hormone levels, and partnership status (single or not single, partner present or not present) was analyzed in 351 females attending Austrian discotheques. We digitally analyzed clothing choice to determine the amount of skin display, sheerness, and clothing tightness. Participants self-reported sexual motivation, and we assessed estradiol and testosterone levels through saliva sampling. Results show that females are aware of the social signal function of their clothing and that they in some cases alter their clothing style to match their courtship motivation. In particular, sheer clothing -although rare in the study- positively correlated with the motivation for sex.


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