Ray och John

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  • 89-årige Ray Bradbury hjälper till att rädda nedläggningshotade bibblor i Kalifornien, skriver New York Times (i en rätt märklig) artikel. Han passar, med ålderns rätt, på att dissa internet:

    The Internet? Don't get him started. "The Internet is a big distraction," Mr. Bradbury barked from his perch in his house in Los Angeles, which is jammed with enormous stuffed animals, videos, DVDs, wooden toys, photographs and books, with things like the National Medal of Arts sort of tossed on a table.  "Yahoo called me eight weeks ago," he said, voice rising. "They wanted to put a book of mine on Yahoo! You know what I told them? 'To hell with you. To hell with you and to hell with the Internet.' 
  • John Berger skänker sitt litterära arkiv till British Library, och tvingar mjukfingrade bibliotekarier till franska alperna och hässja hö som straff, om man ska tro The Guardian:

    The British Library will have to come to Berger's remote farm high in the French Alps to sort through and retrieve the boxes of papers, drafts and correspondence from his stables.And since the library's Jamie Andrews is coming during harvest time, he can help with the haymaking. "I'm hoping it will be fun," said Andrews, a little nervously. "Nice way to spend the weekend, haymaking with John Berger. As long as he's not expecting some brawny farmer type to turn up, because that's really not me."

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