Pixies-lådan: it'll cost you

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Ett seriöst Pixies-fan måste så klart ha Minotaur-boxen! 500 dolares för 5 album, lite osläppt material och konserter på DVD och Blue-ray. Alltihop konstnärligt formgivet av Vaughan Oliver och signerat av medlemmarna. Frank Black säger till Wired:

Wired.com: Is this how the CD market can stay alive in the download age?

Francis: I got in trouble because I was recently quoted about the state of the music business, and I was saying it should be kind of a $5 world right now. Records and tickets should be cheap, given the overpricing of the recent years and the state of the world economy. But now, this box comes out and I feel like the biggest shithead in the world. But I'm not spinning it.


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