Om ett schackparti var musik
Jim Bumgardner beskriver sitt schackmusik-hack:
In this piece, two performers will reenact a famous game of chess (Kasparov vs. Deep Blue, 1997, Game 6). As they play, a computer program I've written monitors each move, and tries to figure out the best possible move to make in response. During this analysis, it produces music on the fly. The music is a fairly literal translation of what the computer is thinking. The music for each move lasts about 10 seconds, but represents only a fraction of a second of the thinking the computer was doing. When the next move is made on the board by a performer, the music from the previous move's thinking is interrupted, so we can hear the thinking for the following move....och så kolla in videon för att se och höra hur en schackdator tänker i toner.
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