David Byrne spelar Brian Eno

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Jag hade turen att få en biljett till David Byrnes andra spelning på Radio City Music Hall på lördagen. En makalös konsert.

Vanity Fair beskriver känslan när de aviga ballerinorna plötsligt invaderade scenen:

The payoff came two-thirds of the way through the song ("Burning Down The House"). Moving in unison, Byrne and his backups swayed toward the right side of the stage, then turned and started moving in the opposite direction. Behind them, from the wings, came a huge group of dancers--mostly female but with a few males scattered in--all wearing tutus. Meanwhile, Byrne and his group were almost at the left side. Just before reaching the end of the stage, they turned back, and out came a new group of tutu'd dancers from that side, following them and falling in with the first group. Then all the dancers lined up and started doing Rockette kicks behind Byrne and his band, who were belting out the song's climax.

It was something no group of chart-topping 25-year-olds could pull off. There was a generosity, a confidence, and a mature sense not only of style but of place and history that made it work. Byrne was playing with the idea of Radio City Music Hall, but also paying tribute to it.


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