March 2009 Archives

Joe Clark kommenterar att Doug Bowman (läs hans inlägg om varför) slutar på Google (till förmån för Twitter, enligt Gawker):

A culture that smothers a leading standardista and prototypical graphic designer, one that reduces him to a designer of delete buttons and a debater of line widths, is a culture of anti-intellectualism and visual illiteracy masquerading as one of unstinting empiricism.
Riksantikvarieämbetet verkar bli första svenska kulturinstitution som väljer att sprida delar av sitt fotografiska material i Flickrs Commons-projekt - se deras fotoström, som än så länge bara innehåller 84 bilder av fotografen Carl Curman. Förhoppningsvis blir det mer.

Läs mer på Riksantikvarieämbetets K-blogg. (via: Projekt Wunderkammer).
Library_PS69.jpgDom är förbaskat fina, dom här muralmålningarna som designbyrån Pentagram har skapat för nybyggda skolbibliotek i New Yorks fem "boroughs", hur man utnyttjat utrymmet från slutet av bokhyllorna till taket för att skapa något iögonfallande, t.ex. Lincoln som rider på en val med en bok som mun. Se allihopa.

Jag sprang in i konferensen "Spring summit 2009: Sensing And Sensuality", som äger rum vid Umeå Institute of Design, 27 mars. Kanske kan vara något för dig om du är intresserad av sånt. Intressanta folk som Adam Greenfield, Matt Jones, Jack Schulze och Timo Arnall ska prata.

Uppdatering 2/11 -09: video från konferensen.
A card catalog designed to hold all of the songs on my iPod, 7,390 songs. Each song is cataloged on a single card. The cards are organized in reverse chronological order, that is the songs I listened to most recently are in the front of the catalog, and the songs I haven't listened to in two years exist at the back. The piece is seven feet long when closed and just under fourteen feet when opened.
Kul verk av Tim Schwartz. [via: information aesthetics]

Jag hade turen att få en biljett till David Byrnes andra spelning på Radio City Music Hall på lördagen. En makalös konsert.

Vanity Fair beskriver känslan när de aviga ballerinorna plötsligt invaderade scenen:

The payoff came two-thirds of the way through the song ("Burning Down The House"). Moving in unison, Byrne and his backups swayed toward the right side of the stage, then turned and started moving in the opposite direction. Behind them, from the wings, came a huge group of dancers--mostly female but with a few males scattered in--all wearing tutus. Meanwhile, Byrne and his group were almost at the left side. Just before reaching the end of the stage, they turned back, and out came a new group of tutu'd dancers from that side, following them and falling in with the first group. Then all the dancers lined up and started doing Rockette kicks behind Byrne and his band, who were belting out the song's climax.

It was something no group of chart-topping 25-year-olds could pull off. There was a generosity, a confidence, and a mature sense not only of style but of place and history that made it work. Byrne was playing with the idea of Radio City Music Hall, but also paying tribute to it.

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Jag heter Erik Stattin och det här är min blogg. Jag skriver om digital kultur, ungefär. Du får gärna tipsa mig om saker. Kontakta mig på Jag är mymarkupTwitter och Delicious.

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