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Jag läser om en massa fascinerande saker i Jeremy Keiths inlägg om PaperCamp. Bland annat om vad man kan ha en kvittoskrivare till:

Tom Taylor bought a cheap little till printer, the small dinky kind that is used for printing off shop receipts. As he put it, If A4 is a blog, this is Twitter. He has hooked it up to an arduino board which connects to his computer which is connected to the internet. That's the hardware side of the things. The software side of things is pretty simple. Every day at 8:00am, a programme pulls in data from various places: appointments from his calendar, the movements of his fellow travellers on Dopplr, and (of course). This gets output to a queue and a few seconds later, that gets output--via the arduino board--to the till printer. Tom now has a small slip of paper with all the little reminders he might need for the day.
...och det här:

James Wheare is making a daily physical lifestream. Overnight, it pulls in blog entries, Flickr pictures and twitter messages from his friends and in the morning, he prints out a foldable A4 page. He can fold this down into a little booklet to take with him when he leaves the house.


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Jag heter Erik Stattin och det här är min blogg. Jag skriver om digital kultur, ungefär. Du får gärna tipsa mig om saker. Kontakta mig på erik.stattin@gmail.com. Jag är mymarkupTwitter och Delicious.

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