Bananflugans genetiska nätverk, filmat

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the physics arXiv blog säger:

One of the major goals in biology is to reconstruct the complex genetic networks that operate inside cells, and to "film" how these networks evolve during the course of an organism's development.

Today, Eric Xing and buddies at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh claim to have worked out how the way patterns of gene expression change in fruitflies over the course of their entire development. That's a world first and no mean feat to boot.

Från abstract:

Using a new machine learning method called Tesla, which builds on a novel temporal logistic regression technique, we report the first successful genome-wide reverse-engineering of the latent sequence of temporally rewiring gene networks over more than 4000 genes during the life cycle of Drosophila melanogaster, given longitudinal gene expression measurements and even when a single snapshot of such measurement resulted from each (time-specific) network is available.


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