The Curious Case of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

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buttonINLINE.jpgRe: "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button":

Seed Magazine sammanfattar lite om forskningen kring anti-åldrande:

As groundbreaking as they are, none of these scientific advances could have fought off the ultimate end for Benjamin Button and his lifelong love, Daisy (played by Cate Blanchett), a famous ballet dancer who, in her youth, has ivory skin and a lithe, slim line. Through the course of the film, Daisy's body sags, she develops bags under her eyes, gray hair, and finally, liver spots and failing organs. As she cries out during middle age, "I just don't like getting old!"
BuzzFeed säger:

A father and son were talking during a Christmas day screening of "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button." Talking during a movie is extremely rude, so this guy decided to put a stop to it. By shooting the father in the left arm. He then sat back down and continued watching the movie, while everyone around him fled the theater and the police rushed to the scene.
CCBB, The iPhone app.


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