RNA-familjer, möt Wikipedia

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Det här var lite intressant. Tidskriften RNA Biology kommer kräva av de forskare som publicerar sig (i en viss del av) tidskriften att de också författar en Wikipedia-sida, skriver Declan Butler hos Nature News.

Så här står det i författarinstruktionerna:

These articles must be accompanied by STOCKHOLM (1) formatted alignments, including a consensus secondary structure or structures and a corresponding Wikipedia article. Publication in the track will require a short manuscript, a high quality Stockholm alignment and at least one Wikipedia article; Each centered around the RNA in question.
Mer från Nature News:

The initiative is a collaboration between the journal and the RNA family database (Rfam) consortium led by the UK Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Hinxton. "The novelty is that for the first time it creates a link between Wikipedia and traditional journal publishing, with its peer-review element," says Alex Bateman, who co-heads the Rfam database. The aim, Bateman says, is to boost the quality of the scientific content on Wikipedia while using the entries to update the Sanger database.

Uppslagssidan för RNA-familjen SmY visar ett exempel på hur en sida kan se ut.

(1) Vad är Stockholm-formattering, frågar man sig? BioPerl har svaret:

Stockholm format is a flatfile format for databases of annotated multiple sequence alignments. (...) Stockholm shows by-column alignment annotations, such as RNA secondary structure, in a compact and (if appropriately indented) human-readable way. It allows sequences to be split over multiple lines, although this is "discouraged" in the specification.



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