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Väldigt få årskrönikor tar greppet om årets mem (inte ens Martin Jönssons). Det här var trots allt året då en Nobel-pristagare postade en LOLcat och drottning Elisabeth II skrattade åt YouTube-babyn.

PingMag har i alla fall intervjuat Magibon (tidigare inlägg):

Why did you start?

I was playing around with YouTube -- it was still sort of new to me -- and I was watching a lot of Japanese music videos. I then realized I could put something up, so I plugged in my webcam, waved a bit, and then put it on YouTube just to see myself. I didn't think anyone else would watch it, besides me or my friends.

And then the complete opposite happened! How long did it take before you realized that people were checking out that video?

Within a week or so it had several thousand views on it. I realized that there had been a link to it put on a really popular Japanese message board called 2channel. I was so psyched because I love Japan -- I've tried my whole life to get a Japanese penpal -- and suddenly thousands of Japanese people saw my face.


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