Krisigt på presidentbibblan

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george-bush-shoe.jpgAmerikanska presidentbibliotek är oftast mausoleum och sällan har man väntat på att ett skulle byggas så fort som George W. Bushs. Man verkar dock ha lite problem med hur man ska arkivera all e-post och hemmavideos, så att en krisplan har upprättats, skriver New York Times:

The National Archives has put into effect an emergency plan to handle electronic records from the Bush White House amid growing doubts about whether its new $144 million computer system can cope with the vast quantities of digital data it will receive when President Bush leaves office on Jan. 20.

The technical challenge was an inevitable result of the explosion in cybercommunications, which will make the electronic record of the Bush years about 50 times as large as that left by the Clinton White House in 2001, archives officials estimate. The collection will include top-secret e-mail tracing plans for the Iraq war as well as scenes from the likes of Barney Cam 2008, a White House video featuring the first pet.
Bara e-posten väger mellan 20 och 24 terabyte, uppskattas det.

Arkiveringen hade naturligtvis gått mycket enklare om Vita Huset hållit sig till öppna format, men så icke:

The contingency plan, quietly approved by the National Archives on Nov. 7, emphasizes the difficulties posed by large numbers of White House records created with proprietary commercial software.

Proprietary products can create problems because they quickly become obsolete, as anyone who has weathered the transition from VHS tape to DVDs can attest. The National Archives seeks to preserve electronic records in a form that can be used for decades to come.

Jag tror bestämt att jag skrivit om detta förut: Lame Duck Library, Presidentbibblan, Die already! och Framtida bibliotek.


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