[Jakten på Higgs boson] "Anyone who thinks the LHC will destroy the world is a twat."

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Folk läser inte grejer, helt enkelt. Trots att CERN redan tidigare i sommar konstaterat i en rapport att det inte finns någon som helst risk att världen går under till följd av uppkomsten av vakumbubblor, magnetiska monopol, mikroskopiska svarta hål eller "strangelets" när LHC slås på, så fortsätter man att skicka dödshot till de inblandade fysikerna, skriver Daily Telegraph (tack effbot!).

The head of public relations, James Gillies, says he gets tearful phone calls, pleading for the £4.5 billion machine to stop.

"They phone me and say: "I am seriously worried. Please tell me that my children are safe," said Gillies.

Emails also arrive every day that beg for reassurance that the world will not end, he explained.

Others are more aggressive. "There are a number who say: "You are evil and dangerous and you are going to destroy the world."
Aluminiumlfoliehattarna håller hus hos LHC Concerns.



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