[Konst+Vetenskap] Så lång borta, men ändå så nära

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lg_21270.jpgVarför är Mars röd? På grund av these little suckers! Phoenix-landaren har nyligen tagit bilder på det allestädes närvarande dammet på Mars, med hjälp av det atommikroskop som landaren släpar med sig. Aldrig tidigare har något extraterrestriellt visat i sådan förstoring, berättar University of Arizona.

The atomic force microscope maps the shape of particles in three dimensions by scanning them with a sharp tip at the end of a spring. During the scan, invisibly fine particles are held by a series of pits etched into a substrate microfabricated from a silicon wafer. Pike's group at Imperial College produced these silicon microdiscs.

The atomic force microscope can detail the shapes of particles as small as about 100 nanometers, about one one-thousandth the width of a human hair. That is about 100 times greater magnification than seen with Phoenix's optical microscope, which made its first images of Martian soil about two months ago. Until now, Phoenix's optical microscope held the record for producing the most highly magnified images to come from another planet.



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