[Konst+Vetenskap] Du sköna protes

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eamesprosthesis.jpgDen alltid så förträffliga Biomedicine on Display skriver om protesens estetik, med utgångspunkt från Joanna M. Hawleys Eames-inspirerade benprotes (på bilden), och påpekar att skönhet alltid varit en faktor när proteser har designats genom åren:

After the brave navy soldier Niels Therkelsen lost both hands in a sea battle on the coast of Copenhagen in 1807, the Danish king Frederik VI had a pair of wooden hands specially made for him. A short glance at the prosthesis reveals that this is a piece of delicate craftsmanship. Both function and aesthetics have been carefully considered. The ball joints allow the fingers to be maneuvered into positions that makes it possible to grab and carry items, and a set of tools -- spikes, a spoon etc. -- can be fastened on the hand.



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