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Experiment man hade velat se:
Originalartikel: "Dogs catch human yawns", Biology Letters.
Mer hos Not Exactly Rocket Science.Ramiro Joly-Mascheroni at Birkbeck University discovered the behaviour watching how 29 different dogs interacted with a stranger. During a series of trials, the unfamiliar experimenter would call the dogs by name, establish eye contact and then either yawn loudly or silently open their mouths.
Twenty-one out of the twenty-nine dogs - 72% in total - yawned at least once when the experimenter yawned. But not a single one of them yawned when the experimenter merely opened their mouth. This stark contrast strongly suggests that the dogs were actually 'catching' the human yawns.
Originalartikel: "Dogs catch human yawns", Biology Letters.
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