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  • New York Times: "The sale of a Bronx apartment building [at 1520 Sedgwick Avenue, widely regarded as the birthplace of hip-hop], is proceeding, even though city housing officials rejected the deal just months ago."

  • New York Times: "Soul food is dying in Harlem and elsewhere in the city, and not being able to fill 18 seats is as good an indication as any. The reasons can be chalked up to the vagaries of contemporary city life: Changing tastes; health consciousness; the fast-food culture; and an influx of wealthier young adults -- including African-Americans, long a customer base for soul food restaurants -- who are more comfortable eating Indian or Thai dishes."

  • New York Press: "My romance with the ghetto was over; and like every ill-conceived romance built at least partially on illusion, it was destined to end with a bang. I wasn't expecting a head bang."


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