The Wire eller No Wave

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Om det finns biljetter kvar går jag nog på det här ikväll:

Making The Wire

The HBO series The Wire, which concluded its fifth and final season this year, is one of the most acclaimed dramatic series in TV history. David Simon, who created, produced, and wrote many episodes, shaped The Wire's, panoramic view of Baltimore--the newspaper, drug trade, port, city government, and schools--has said "It is really about the American city and how we live together."This behind-the-scenes program will include a conversation with David Simon, novelist Richard Price (who wrote five episodes), and cast members Seth Gilliam (who played Sgt. Ellis Carver), Clark Johnson (city editor Gus Haynes), and Amy Ryan ("Beadie").
Annars får det bli...

No Wave is the first book to visually chronicle the collision of art and punk in the New York underground punk rock, new wave, experimental music of 1976 to 1980. Musicians, writers, and archivists Thurston Moore and Byron Coley have selected 150 unforgettable images, most of which have never been published and compiled hundreds of hours of personal interviews into an oral history for this exploration and celebration of No Wave. "Moore and Coley wade into the mire that was No Wave and pull all kinds of order into it, if that could be possible. I've never been part of a scene, though if I were I might have opted for this one" (David Bowie). Moore and Coley will talk about this era and share some of this collection with us.


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