Patentbråk om klonade hundar

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Den här världen är inte stor nog för två hundkloningsföretag. News@Nature skriver om hur amerikanska BioArts International (nämnt här tidigare) stämmer sydkoreanska RNL Bio för patentintrång:

The case involves disgraced cloner Woo Suk Hwang, a former Seoul National University (SNU) professor, on the US side and SNU's Byeong Chun Lee, formerly a junior professor on Hwang's team who played a key role in cloning the first dog in 2005, on the South Korean side.

Lee works for RNL Bio, based in Seoul, which in February announced it was launching a cloning business with a US$150,000 order to clone a US woman's pet. In mid-June, the company made international headlines with photos of four clones of a dog that reportedly can sniff out cancer in humans. Two of the dogs were sold to a Japanese biotechnology company for an undisclosed amount. The other two were reportedly going to be sold for a minimum 500 million won (US$480,000).


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