"Carrie-stooping" considered harmful

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Boende i "Carries" hus på på Perry Street på Manhattan har nu fått sin vilja igenom, och Sex and the City-sightseeingturen får inte längre stanna vid den bekanta trappan i Greenwich Village. The Villager skriver:

Visitors are lured to the area by the fictional lives of the characters created for the popular TV series. They sit for photos on "Carrie's stoop" and shop in local boutiques. They wait on line for cupcakes at nearby Magnolia Bakery, then sit outdoors eating them on a nearby bench -- just like Carrie and Miranda did.

For the show's fans, at least, it seems a picture-perfect ritual. Yet, in the sweltering heat of summer, some neighbors are resenting all the ruckus and seeking an end to "Sex and the City" tours on their streets.

Last week, residents won a reprieve, when, on July 15, the largest of the tour operators, On Location Tours, announced it would take Perry St. off its route.


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