Singulariteten är nära: printrar printar sig själv
Fatta hur häftigt det här är! RepRap är en rapid prototyping-maskin, eller 3D-printer om man så vill. Fast det fina med RepRap är att den är baserad på öppen källkod och kan replikera sig själv. Alltså en 3D-printer som kan skriva en kopia av sig själv.
Dom säger i sin blogg:
This 3D printer builds the component up in layers of plastic. This technology already exists, but the cheapest commercial machine would cost you about €30,000. And it isn't even designed so that it can make itself. So what the RepRap team are doing is to develop and to give away the designs for a much cheaper machine with the novel capability of being able to self-copy (material costs are about €400). That way it's accessible to small communities in the developing world as well as individuals in the developed world.Och det roliga är att man just har lyckats med att replikera en RepRap, vilket kanske de försiktiga leendena hos snubbarna ovan vittnar om.
Dom säger i sin blogg:
Adrian (left) and Vik (right) with a parent RepRap machine, made on a conventional rapid prototyper, and the first complete working child RepRap machine, made by the RepRap on the left. The child machine made its first successful grandchild part at 14:00 hours UTC on 29 May 2008 at Bath University in the UK, a few minutes after it was assembled.Apropå singulariteten så har IEEE Spectrum ett specialnummer om det, med en massa intressanta artiklar
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