Peak Art

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italianfutur.jpgDet är lite roligt att våra nya olje-spekulerande miljardärer är inne på italienska futurister. More Intelligent Life skriver om hur Severini är det nya heta, nu när ingen vill hittas död med tysk expressionism på väggen:

Sotheby's hopes to top that next week, with another "Danseuse" (by Gino Severini), for which it has posted an astonishing estimate of £7m-10m, the same price it has put on a Monet beach scene also in the sale. The Severini ticks many boxes: it is the most important Futurist work to come to the market for nearly 20 years; it is brilliantly coloured, in pinks, yellows and greens; and it has an impeccable provenance, having spent 40 years in the Guggenheim Museum in New York before being deaccessioned in the late 1980s in favour of another of Peggy Guggenheim's Severinis, now hanging in her former home in Venice.


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